Now is the time to be Big.

Embracing Application Modernization

When it comes to enterprises with older custom-built applications and legacy systems, their digital transformation strategy invariably involves application modernization. This is particularly crucial as many well-established organizations are held back by outdated monolithic, on-premises applications. These systems hinder the integration of modern digital technologies and the latest platforms. Often, these monolithic setups suffer from scalability issues, high resource consumption, and compatibility challenges with new digital technology stacks. Consequently, the overall operational efficiency of enterprise systems is compromised.

Application Modernization Services

Cloud Migration using 6R Approach

The 6R Approach to cloud migration involves analyzing existing workloads and determining the most suitable migration strategy: Rehost, Refactor, Revise, Rebuild, Replace, or Retire. This approach helps businesses make informed decisions on how to migrate their applications and workloads to the cloud, optimizing for factors such as cost, performance, and time.

Architecture-driven Modernization

Architecture-driven modernization focuses on updating and enhancing the overall architecture of an application or system. By embracing modern architectural principles and practices, businesses can improve scalability, flexibility, and maintainability of their applications, preparing them for a successful transition to the cloud.

Renaissance Model

The Renaissance model is an approach to modernization that involves incrementally transforming legacy systems. It aims to balance the benefits of existing investments with the adoption of new technologies. By iteratively updating components, businesses can evolve their systems toward a more modern state, aligning them with current and future needs.

Application Portfolio Rationalization

Application portfolio rationalization involves evaluating an organization's suite of applications and identifying opportunities to consolidate, retire, or replace redundant or outdated software. This process streamlines the application landscape, reduces complexity, and prepares the organization for efficient cloud migration.

Infrastructure Modernization

Infrastructure modernization focuses on updating and optimizing the underlying IT infrastructure. This can involve moving from on-premises hardware to cloud-based infrastructure or adopting modern infrastructure solutions. By doing so, businesses can enhance scalability, reliability, and cost-efficiency in the cloud environment.

Enterprise Apps Upgrade

Upgrading enterprise applications involves moving from older versions to newer releases with enhanced features and capabilities. This modernization ensures that critical business systems remain current and compatible, making the transition to the cloud smoother and more efficient.

SOA-enabled Architecture

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)-enabled architecture focuses on designing applications as a collection of loosely coupled services. This approach promotes reusability, scalability, and agility. By adopting SOA principles, businesses can create applications that are well-suited for cloud environments and integrations.

Microservices – App Development

Microservices involve breaking down applications into smaller, independently deployable components. This architectural style enhances agility and allows teams to develop, deploy, and scale parts of an application independently. Microservices are well-aligned with cloud-native development and can lead to more resilient and scalable applications.

Mobile Compatible Applications

Developing mobile-compatible applications involves creating software that is accessible and functional on mobile devices. As mobile usage continues to grow, ensuring that applications are optimized for mobile platforms is crucial for reaching a wider user base and enabling remote access to cloud-based services.

Key Distinctions of Enterprise Application Managed Services

Pivotal Developments

  • Cloud-First Increased SaaS adoption – Ex: Service Cloud, Commerce Cloud, FS Cloud
  • Omnichannel Integrations (Including Mobile) – Customer data platform
  • Increased API and components adoption
  • Shift Left for QA – Adopt Shift Left based DevOps practice to identify defects early on and fix them
  • Secure solutions – Enterprises adopting principles of ‘DevSecOps’ to ensure data security, integrity, and compliance

Core Offering

  • Possess a streamlined, resilient, and forward-looking IT asset collection.
  • Enhance agility by aligning application and IT infrastructure with business requirements.
  • Drive business innovation and growth through digital transformation.
  • Achieve cost savings by reducing IT operating expenses.
  • Experience the absence of ongoing license fees.
  • Utilize non-proprietary code for enhanced transparency.
  • Enjoy applications and databases that are 100% functionally equivalent.

Inspiring Better Business Outcomes with CodeApto

We'll strategically align your business with the optimal technology and solutions to modernize, compete, and drive growth. Together, let's propel into the future faster.

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